Friday, November 4, 2011

Stress or Enjoy?

Well I have officially reached my stressful season. I'm trying to decide if I should just forget about all the stress and just go and enjoy the holiday season. It's been so long since I've just let everything go and let myself enjoy the season. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. It's my favorite time of year, but with the joy comes an elementary production, a high school production, and of course the Christmas eve service which based on what we are doing that year could be considered a production. All in all though, I wouldn't trade it for anything. There are those that would argue for Thanksgivings sake. I mean the poor holiday gets left out in the cold at our house. We go from dressing up and handing out candy to putting up stockings and singing carols in the kitchen. I am thankful still. I hope you don't stress out too much throughout this season. Let God's love and gift of life encourage you to let go of everything else and just enjoy the season. I'm having to learn this concept and I think it's gonna make this a season to remember!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


So, we are well into Fall, and I love it. I love waking up and having to wear a jacket because there is a crispness to the air. I love how my wife puts pumpkins and all of her fall decorations around the house. I love using pumpkin spice creamer in my coffee. I love wearing orange (for fall, not because I'm a Tennessee fan!). I don't like that it gets darker earlier, but that does mean that bed time for the boys is earlier! Most importantly, though, it means that the insane holiday season is coming soon. We begin working on Christmas music in the choir this month, and from there it doesn't stop. Honestly, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love the holidays and I love that I have three amazing little boys and one phenominal woman to spend it with. It's stressful, and time consuming, and sometimes ridiculous, but it's worth it all. I hope that as the craziness starts, we don't get worried, we just enjoy it. We get to sing about our Savior and all He's done for us. I know He's done too much for me for me to get too consumed with myself and my worries. I just want to enjoy it all. I hope you do the same. That's our motto this season: "Enjoy It!"

Friday, August 5, 2011

Big Month.....

Well August is here and it's a big month, at least for me and Jamie. August usually signifies the end of summer break from school, all the college students will be going back, school is starting back up, there is usually a bible conference or some type of program about to begin, and some of us are trying to get back into the swing of a harsher routine. This August is no different, except on top of all of this we will be having our third child. It's very exciting but it seems overwhelming at times, as if two boys wasn't overwhelming enough! There are going to be several new additions over the next few months. Amy Plummer kicked us off last month with little Bryson, or as David James calls him, Baby Bison. Then they keep coming. It is an exciting time and I know many of you are just as excited to see the new ones as I am.
In the midst of all of this we do have some exciting programs at the church that we have to prepare for. September 11th starts our Fall Program on the cross. We will start working on music, both old and new, for this program ASAP. I'm excited about all the new this month and next. We need to be very faithful to choir and to practice. I know it's hard, believe me, but it is so rewarding when the choir gets up on Sunday mornings and the loft is full and we all join together to worship and sing praise to our Lord! Let's get through all of the vacations and different summer events and then let's hit the ground running! Thank you all for your dedication to the music ministry. God Bless!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So Hot...

Is it just me or is it getting to be extremely hot outside? I guess it could be worse and we all know the awesome humidity WILL get worse. I probably shouldn't complain since my poor wife is not only hot but is also carrying an extra human around inside of her. I know there are several other women who are growing a person too, and I salute you. What an awesome task the Lord has given you.
I think of my tasks as well and I think, how blessed I really am. Even when things are going bad I still can focus on God's blessings to me. I have two amazing little boys, soon to be three, and an unbelievable wife. These alone would be enough, but then I get to work and serve with wonderful people like you all. Every week we get together and minister to those around us, and more times than not I'm being minstered to by you. Thank you for your ministry not only to the church but to me. It really is an encouragment to see your, most of the time, smiling faces and to hear the talents that the Lord has blessed you all with. Even for those of you that don't feel like singing is your forte', you are blessing others with your spirit and willingness to get up there each week and give it your all! Thank You!
Please try to relax and enjoy the summer heat rather than stress about it. Just think about the two feet of snow we had last year and try to be thankful that you can at least get out of your driveway. God Bless you all!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I was extremely encouraged this last week. When I looked up at the choir, it was completely full and there were still some key people missing. I realized that we could fill up the choir loft every week with some dedication. I appreciate everyone of you who are here every week. Most of you understand the need for commitment and practice to give the Lord our best. We need to keep recruiting and getting more people to join us. I would love to have to move everything off the back of the stage because the choir needs the room. I would love to have to move the orchestra to the floor because there's no more room for instruments. I would love to have to turn people away because there's no room for anyone else. We can only accomplish this through commitment.
It's summer and everyone is planning vacations. I think it's great if you get to go away. Everyone needs some peace and quiet now and then. Just don't forget about the rest of us while you are away. I really do miss you when you're gone. I feel like part of my family is absent.
Even when you're away we still keep rolling along here in the music ministry. So jump right back in when you return. Enjoy your summer, and let's keep serving Him together!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Finally the warmth has arrived! Unfortunately with it comes people missing church because of spending the day on the boat, or fishing or going on vacation. I understand that all of these things are important and believe me, I wish we were going on a few more vacations this summer. Every one needs a break every now and then. I hope everyone is planning some time away this summer, but I hope no one is planning to take the whole summer off! We need everyone we can get in the choir and orchestra.
Everyone did such a phenomenal job on the Easter music! What a blessing to be a part of the services on Good Friday and Easter morning. I have gotten so many compliments and good reports about how worshipful and beautiful the music was. I remember looking out on Sunday morning as I was leading and seeing a visitor sitting in the back. He is a family member of one of our members. I had never seen him or his family before, but I couldn't miss him that morning. He was so excited to be singing. There were too many people to be able to hear him alone, but I could tell that he was singing with everything that he had. He had a smile and was swaying back and forth as we proclaimed that God was alive! It actually convicted me about how un-stirred I am sometimes when I sing. The Lord has done so much for me and yet I fail to do something as simple as "give it my all" when I'm singing and worshipping Him. I was very excited on Easter morning to sing about our Risen Savior, but I should be just as excited every other sunday because He's just as alive in May through March as He is on Easter sunday.
Thank you so much for all your hard work and commitment to the special programs the choir performs in. They would be nothing without you.
God Bless

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Did Spring get the memo?

Ok spring is officially here, but I'm not sure it got the memo! I'm ready for shorts, flip flops, sun and fun outside. I'm tired of long sleeves, shoes, and most of all cold weather! I know everyone else is too. I think Spring got confused because Easter is so late this year. Maybe it thought it shouldn't come out until right before. At any rate, it's gonna be fall again before it even gets warm.
I'm sure everyone is working hard on the Easter musical. The music is a lot tougher this year, but it is amazing. I have a personal time of worship everytime I turn it on. Sometimes I think I should be paying more attention to the words and parts, but I think God is pleased when I just let myself go and worship Him during rehearsal. I don't have a lot of free time during the day, so those moments that I do have are special. That is why I use them to worship Him. I hope you take the time to worship God each day. I know it's hard with everything going on in our lives, but it's so important to stop for just a few minutes and praise the God who created everything around us. As spring does arrive, the beauty comes with it. Praise God for the beauty that He made. He took the time to create all of it for our enjoyment, so let's praise Him for who He is and how much He loves us.
Thank you for all your hard work. I know God is pleased!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is St. Patrick's Day a real holiday?

So the question remains of whether St. Patrick's Day is a real holiday. In America, we capitalize on every possible day to either get a day off of work, buy candy, or if you're my wife to buy decorations and decorate the house very festivally. I do love the decorations, but I definitely don't need the candy! Whether it is a "real" holiday is unsure, but it is a milestone of the verse that says "Go Ye into all the world and preach the gospel." You see St. Patrick's day is credited with bringing the Christian faith to the pagan country of Ireland, which according to, drove out all of the false Druid gods. As I was reading the description of this day it struck me how our Christian lives need to resemble St. Patrick's day. Not for the green shamrock hats or pinching your co-worker who wore red instead of green, but because we are to be taking the gospel to as many different peoples and nations as we can. We should be God's hands and feet in driving out the false gods of our world. Many of us are the only God some people in Kent County will see. I have been doing a Bible study on worship recently and one phrase that really hit me was, "Worship invites God's presence!" What a powerful statement. We are actually inviting God's very presence into our midst when we worship Him. Then it scared me to think how on sunday mornings as we "worship" Him, some can stand there with a blank face or even a scowl. What does that say about God's presence in our lives?! If I were in heaven standing in God's presence I would be anything but blank faced. Why should my worship each day be any different! I pray that we never forget the fact that we are leading people into the very presence of our Lord each time we take the stage. Let's Worship our Lord each day with a happy heart! God Bless!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Season of Love.....

As February approaches I'm reminded of Valentine's Day and how this is the season of Love. Of course Wal-mart has had Valentine's candy out since December 26th, just another holiday to capitalize on, but that doesn't lessen the importance of the day. February 14th is set aside to remind us to tell those that are closest to us how much we love them. I'm sure everyone has some plans for a special dinner or romantic outing with that special someone in our lives. My wife would kill me if I forgot V-day. It seems the whole world is full of love in February, but how many of us remember to tell the Lord how much we love Him. True, this day is not set aside for that specific purpose, but why do we need a specific day to remind us to love God. Every day should be Valentine's day in our hearts. If you truly love something or someone, then you want to pour as much time and energy as you can into that relationship. It should be no different with our Savior. We should pour just as much, if not more, time and energy into loving Him as we do into everything else in our lives. Sadly, He often takes a back seat to the "more important" things. This "season of love" don't forget to thank God for His sacrifice, and incredible love. If only we could love like our Lord, how many of the petty things in life wouldn't matter. I love you all and thank you for your sacrifices to minister with me. God Bless!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"A New Song...."

"He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God; many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord." Psalm 40:3
The greatest thing we can do with our talent is bring praise to the Lord. The Bible says that many will see the joy in our lives and will trust in the Lord. We can stand up there and sing all we want, but if we aren't living the song we sing, we are deterring people from God instead of drawing them unto Him. I pray that this month, and this year, as you prepare to lead others to worship Christ, you will ensure that your heart is prepared as well and that you are being a living testimony of the song that you sing. I look forward to the many exciting things God is going to do through us this year. Happy New Year!