Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Ahhh, the sweet smell of fall is in the air.  I love it!  I love the crisp cool air in the morning, not cold, but cool enough to drink a cup of pumpkin spice coffee without sweating.  Just enjoying the first leaves changing and everything that comes with the change of the seasons.  I know the season doesn't technically change until September 21st or some random day like that.  For me, however, the start of school signifies the start of fall.  This fall was a little bitter sweet for us.  David James' first day of K4 was on the 26th.  Tears were shed (Jamie), and the reality that he will now forever be in school set in.  By the second day, I was convinced we had made a terrible mistake and that he was too little for school just yet.  I realized I was growing just as much as he was.  It's hard as a parent to see our children grow and change, but we must realize that it's part of life.  Where would we be now if our parents were convinced that we were too small to ever start school?  Sadly, a lot of parents still treat their kids that way.  Babying them every step of the way, giving them everything they want, and never giving them a sense of responsibility.  It also made me grateful for a heavenly Father who makes me "go out there and make something of myself",  as my earthly father would say.  He realizes that we are definitely too small to handle some things on our own, but yet He makes us go try it so we are not helpless in our Christian lives.  Through Him we can do all things. 
If you are in choir, you know that our motto is: "Nothing Less Than Holiness."  While this is hard especially for me to follow, I pray that this season we will give nothing less than our best to God.  That we will live lives that are nothing short of absolute Holiness for our Savior.  He is so worthy of at least that. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer has officially begun around here.  It's exciting, but it's also sad because I know that our ministry takes a break during the summer. We still have a few Sunday's left to sing. Please don't forget about Father's day on the 16, and we are also singing on the 23. June 30th is our Patriotic Sunday and it will also be our last week to sing as a choir.  We will take July and some of August off.  I will let everyone know when we will start practicing and performing again.
Please don't start slacking off in church attendance simply because choir is not meeting.  My dad allows us to take the summer off only because he trusts that his crowds will not suffer.  My goal is to have just as many in the Sunday morning services as we do throughout the year.
Thank you for your faithfulness throughout the year.  It means a lot to me, to know that there are so many faithful friends serving alongside of me in leading our church to worship our Lord. Enjoy your summer!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

February, the season of love!  I know we are all suprised to find that it is already February.  The choir has been working hard on their music and I am excited about the few new members that we have picked up.  I hope you are still recruiting for both the choir and the orchestra. 
Thank you to those of you that have been faithful in attendance.  It's nice to have a full choir in both rehearsal and in performance.  It doesn't go unnoticed!
Please remember to grab your CD's of all of the choir music, and also the Easter Musical.  Thank you again for all of your hard work!