Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So Hot...

Is it just me or is it getting to be extremely hot outside? I guess it could be worse and we all know the awesome humidity WILL get worse. I probably shouldn't complain since my poor wife is not only hot but is also carrying an extra human around inside of her. I know there are several other women who are growing a person too, and I salute you. What an awesome task the Lord has given you.
I think of my tasks as well and I think, how blessed I really am. Even when things are going bad I still can focus on God's blessings to me. I have two amazing little boys, soon to be three, and an unbelievable wife. These alone would be enough, but then I get to work and serve with wonderful people like you all. Every week we get together and minister to those around us, and more times than not I'm being minstered to by you. Thank you for your ministry not only to the church but to me. It really is an encouragment to see your, most of the time, smiling faces and to hear the talents that the Lord has blessed you all with. Even for those of you that don't feel like singing is your forte', you are blessing others with your spirit and willingness to get up there each week and give it your all! Thank You!
Please try to relax and enjoy the summer heat rather than stress about it. Just think about the two feet of snow we had last year and try to be thankful that you can at least get out of your driveway. God Bless you all!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I was extremely encouraged this last week. When I looked up at the choir, it was completely full and there were still some key people missing. I realized that we could fill up the choir loft every week with some dedication. I appreciate everyone of you who are here every week. Most of you understand the need for commitment and practice to give the Lord our best. We need to keep recruiting and getting more people to join us. I would love to have to move everything off the back of the stage because the choir needs the room. I would love to have to move the orchestra to the floor because there's no more room for instruments. I would love to have to turn people away because there's no room for anyone else. We can only accomplish this through commitment.
It's summer and everyone is planning vacations. I think it's great if you get to go away. Everyone needs some peace and quiet now and then. Just don't forget about the rest of us while you are away. I really do miss you when you're gone. I feel like part of my family is absent.
Even when you're away we still keep rolling along here in the music ministry. So jump right back in when you return. Enjoy your summer, and let's keep serving Him together!