Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Summer's Comin....

Hello everybody, I can't believe that next week is already June. The year is flying by and I'm not sure if that's good or bad. One thing that is doing good, though, is the choir and orchestra. The responses and comments I've received from people have been great. They love the sound, the love the music and they love the worship time. I really appreciate each person that has made the committment to be in choir each week. I know it's difficult sometimes with our busy lives, but God rewards the faithful. As you can see I've posted the music schedules for June here on the page. Please keep an eye on this for any changes. Summer's comin, and that means vacations, and traveling, so if you know that you are going to be out on a particular sunday, just let me know. Everyone needs time away, so believe me I'll probably just be jealous of where you're going.
One thing we need to do this summer is recruit. We need new faces and bodies, (not that we are getting rid of the old faces or bodies for that matter, although some of us would probably like a new body), but if you know of someone that might be a good fit please invite them to a rehearsal or let me know and I'll invite them. I'm excited about our new music, its spirit filled and FUN! Who says you can't have fun while praising the Lord, right! God called us to have a joyful spirit, not a dead one. So let's get excited and busy recruiting as we serve Him together! God Bless, Dave

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