Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Let the Holidays begin.....

For me, October begins the holidays.  I know it's a little premature, but I've been listening to Christmas music since May, and by now I'm pretty burned out on singing Thanksgiving and Christmas songs without getting to have any decorations.  Now Jamie will not allow a Christmas tree up yet in the house, but she is putting pumpkins and scarecrows and lots of other Fall decorations out.  For me, that's good enough.  It means the holidays have officially begun.  The boys are ecstatic about their halloween costumes, and I'll admit, I'm pretty excited about it too. Jamie, however, is not excited about "Christmas Dave."  This is the David that comes out in mid October that starts panicking because I'm sure that there isn't enough time to learn all the Christmas music and I will look like an idiot because the school programs will be a flop.  This of course hasn't happened yet, but it will one day.  Once again, I've sworn to stay calm and relaxed and enjoy the holidays. Yeah right! 
I hope, for your family's sake, that you are different.  This is the time of year when we can enjoy traditions and time together, and can focus on our Savior most of all.  We won't be doing a huge production this year, but we will be learning some songs that remind us of God's greatest gift.
As always, thank you to those of you that are so faithful.  God is glorified in your willingness to be used!  God bless you all! 

Monday, September 10, 2012


I'll be completely honest, Fall is one of my favorite times of the year.  I love Spring, with all the new growth, and I love summer weather.  I even love the snow and cold of winter, but I LOVE fall.  I get so excited when there's a crispness in the air when I leave for work.  I love the trees changing and all of the colors.  I love that I can finally drink a cup of hot coffee instead of iced.  And of course, I love that Starbucks has finally brought back the Pumpkin Spice Latte.  The thing I like the most about THIS season, is that choir has started back up.  I think the new rehearsal time is going to work out great.  I enjoy going home after church to be with my family, instead of sticking around for another hour. 
We have lots of exciting events coming up this fall, so I hope everyone is able to help us out.  I love all the new music, but of course I picked it out, so hopefully you like it too.  Please continue to recruit.  We have several new people, but we still need all the old members too.  My dream is to one day have the choir loft completely filled and filling the church with praises.  How awesome that is going to be! 
Thank you again for your faithfulness.  I look forward to a great season! 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Time is Flying By.....

August!  That words strikes fear in the hearts of all students and teachers. It means that the summer is soon over and they all head back to the rigorous schedule of school, work, sports and whatever else the school year brings. 
I hope we have all enjoyed the break from choir for a few weeks.  I know I have enjoyed it, but I have also missed everyone.  I have especially missed the music on sunday mornings! We will soon be getting back in the swing of things and I hope that you can commit to being there each week as we lead in worship to our Lord. 
We will be having a kickoff party sometime in August and we will also be learning some new music.  Don't worry, we're still gonna keep some of the favorites that we've done.  I have been working hard trying to find new recruits for the choir, and I hope you can do the same.  If you know somebody that sings, don't be afraid to ask them to try it out.  Hopefully, they will love it and want to stay with us.
I know God is honored by our faithfulness and our worship, not by our talent. 
I look forward to worshipping with you each week again. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

I guess we are considering this to be officially spring. Even though it never really got cold here on the eastern shore. It was an extremely mild winter and I'll admit that I actually enjoyed it. However it did make the winter months fly by. I can't believe it, but it's actually almost April. Easter is coming and before you know it, it will be time for graduations and end of the school year parties. I'm very excited about our easter music this year. It's a lot simpler than last year, but it has such a great message. I hope all of you will be able to be here on Easter sunday, the 8th. It's so encouraging when the choir is full. I'm not sure what we would do if everyone showed up on the same sunday. We would definitely fill the loft up. Thank you for your hard work and commitment, especially to the extra Easter rehearsals. It really shows when we worship. Enjoy the warm weather, but don't enjoy it too much so that it keeps you out of church. We need everyone. After all, we are a CHOIR! Not a solo act!

Monday, January 23, 2012


Finally, there is a new schedule posted. I know it's hard to believe. Christmas season is past and January is actually almost over. So much for slowing down in this New Year. I'm sure by now you are all back to work, school, or whatever else you took time off from during the holidays. This also means we need to get busy learning new music and making new commitments to being faithful to choir. I thank those of you who are here each week without being asked and sometimes not even sure what we are singing. Its actually a commitment to God and His ministry, not just to choir. Those of you that aren't quite as faithful, I ask you to start anew right now. Please do your best to be here every week for both church and for practice. It really shows when we are all present and well rehearsed. I always get compliments on the choir when everyone is there and we all know the song, however, those weeks that half of you are gone and the other half never showed up to practice, well, let's just say that its obvious too. I look forward to a great year together, and I hope we can add new members to our ranks each month also. Thank you again for your faithfulness and dedication. God is honored.